Best dog food for pitbulls

Generally, the average pit bull should eat about 2 to 3 cups of food per day. Large pitbulls need three cups of best dry dog food per day; Which can be fed at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Continue feeding the dog three times a day but give them only two-thirds of a cup at each feeding.

It is important to determine the amount of food based on the size of the adult dog. For a pit bull of 26 to 50 pounds, 2 to 2.5 cups of dry food is the best. For a pitbull of 51 to 75 pounds, 2.5 to 3 cups of dry food is the best. Three to four and a half cups of dry food is enough for a large pit bull between 75 and 100 pounds.

Blog: Dog fruit snacks

How many cups of food should a pit bull puppy eat?

Best Dog food for pitbulls
Dog food

A pit bull puppy of 8 to 12 weeks will need about 2 cups of food. Female pitbulls eat less food than males. On average 3 months, your puppy will need more than 3 cups of food per day, finally 4 to 5 cups per day.

Is it cruel to feed a dog once a day?

The amount of food a dog eats each day depends entirely on the family schedule. Dogs should eat at least two meals a day, about 12 hours apart. But breakfast, lunch and dinner schedules are an equally great option. If more than 12 hours have elapsed between meals, the stomach may become hyperacidic which may cause nausea.

What foods can pitbulls eat?

Human foods that are safe for dogs include:

Apples (Apples provide many important vitamins for dogs, including vitamins A and C),
White rice,
Dairy products,
Almond butter,
Plain popcorn, etc.

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About the Author: K.Homer

Blogger and love to read different things online. My word is simple...I think, we are the real alien in this earth with our worse technology.