Since ancient times people have been neighbors with pets. At first they were kept only for the needs of the family, now the pets are being set up for pleasure. It is known that animals enjoy stress, help fight depression and even some diseases. But not all people are side by side with animals. Choose a pet animal new friend, based on the characteristics of you and his character.
Dogs are the most loyal, loving and popular pets. Now there are hundreds of species: warriors and feathers, security and room, fluffy and short-haired. Choosing a suitable dog is not difficult.
Follow some rules when choosing dog as pet. First, learn about the pedigree as much as you like. Consider the health of all family members. Dog hair can cause allergies, so long-bred breeds of dogs are not suitable for everyone.
Second, it is important to consider the conditions for keeping the dog. Some species need a lot of space to be healthy and happy, others need warmth, and the third is all your attention.

So, you can’t take a big dog to a city apartment, the dog has to start, if there are small children who don’t know how to handle animals, especially if you want to defer buying the dog, if you like, to the owner Known for his enterprising attitude.
Dogs are generally suitable for people who prefer a lively lifestyle, get walking, ready to interact with animals on an equivalent animal. It should be remembered that a dog is an eternal child in a home with the same views on life, interests and problems.
Choose a pet animal- Cats attract the attention of a man in ancient times they are beautiful and very proud animals. People think that cats of some species are patient, affectionate, and not quite aggressive.
Cats cause allergies very often. Now there are species of animals that are actually fur-free. In some cases, they are dangerous because their skin secretes enzymes, which are also allergens. Therefore, if you suffer from allergies to animals, talk with cat expert before taking it home.

Cats need a lot of attention and patience from their owners. First, they must be with love, then give a place to eat and play, where they can crush your ribs, play and rest without harming you and your home. Despite the fact that they are very strongly attached to the owner, cats are very intentional. If the cat is not in the mood, it can hurt the baby.
Therefore, cats are suitable for quiet people, who, despite all their significance, are not willing to insult an animal smaller than them.
Kids love birds. They do not require special care, may live in a cage, sing and be taught to say something to them. This is partly true. But birds need, like all living things, to satisfy the master. Sometimes it is known that freedom – birds are important to spread their wings from time to time, sometimes it is the second half – it is known that many species of birds live long in pairs, sometimes these are special conditions of detention.
Birds are suitable for someone who is willing to tolerate the talk of an unconventional mate.
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