Inspire sleep apnea test | treatment to control snoring

Sleep apnea is a disorder of sleep. There is no substitute for adequate sleep for a healthy human life. But those who have sleep apnea have frequent nighttime sleep disturbances, headaches, fatigue or depression after waking up in the morning. All work can be annoying. Excessive nasal congestion during sleep is one of the symptoms of this disease. The infected person wakes up repeatedly at night, and feels sleepy throughout the day. They can’t concentrate on work during the day. They can even fall asleep while working or reading. We can test sleep apnea with the help of doctor or at home with some basic signal.

But sleep apnea doesn’t just mean sleep problems; this leads to respiratory disturbances, increasing the risk of heart disease and other complications. In fact, it adversely affects all parts of the body.

Why sleep apnea occurs?

Before Sleep apnea test we have to detect why it occurs. In many cases the cause of the disease may be unknown. However, in 90 percent of cases, this is due to breathing disturbances during sleep. Our airways become relaxed during sleep, but those who experience this relaxation more often than usual may have difficulty breathing during sleep. Being overweight is one of the causes of this disease.

In some cases, the disease may be due to some structural defects of the nose, ears and throat. Sleep apnea can also occur if there is a problem with the part of the brain that controls sleep.

How to understand?

The patient must report a detailed history of sleep apnea problems to physician. The patient does not understand his own problems in many cases. The person who sleeps next to him most of the time notices the symptoms. If there is any suspicion according to the symptoms, the doctor will do medical test in terms of sleep apnea.

Polysomnography or sleep tests are needed to diagnose sleep apnea for sure. Patients can even have Sleep apneatest done at home through home-based polysomnography.

#sleepapnea a Lifelong disease?

The treatment of sleep apnea depends on the cause. If there is any structural defect in the nose, ears and throat, then sleep apnea can be cured by performing reconstructive surgery. Again, if sleep apnea is due to obesity or overweight, it can be controlled through weight control. However, if there is sleep apnea for any reason other than these, it cannot be completely eradicated, but it can be controlled.

The disease is controlled by using a device called C-Pap. The device has to be fitted at certain times of the day (such as at night or during the day), which helps to keep the patient’s breathing normal during sleep. This reduces the symptoms of the disease and the patient can lead a normal life. There is nothing to be frustrated about having to use the device all your life. It is just a treatment, which helps to keep the patient comfortable in life.

Living with disease sleep apnea!!!

Like other problems, sleep apnea is a disease. It has nothing to do with being emotionally broken, nor is there anything to feel weak or disabled. With treatment, normal life can be lived. If the treatment is not taken again, various complications may arise in the life of the patient. If left untreated, sleep apnea can increase a person’s risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and even stroke.

So such a problem should be seriously considered. In addition, if someone already has high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, long-term lung problems (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), etc., then these diseases become difficult to control if proper treatment of sleep apnea is not taken.

Doctors tips to avoid sleep apnea

  1. Keep weight under control. Maintain the correct weight means BMI according to height.
  2. Develop a balanced diet and regular exercise.
  3. Consult a doctor if you notice problems like nausea, frequent shortness of breath in sleep, difficulty in breathing etc.

Some more

  1. Snoring in sleep does not mean sleep apnea. However, if you have problems with excessive snoring, repeated sleep disturbances or frequent sleep disturbances, you must be tested for sleep apnea.
  2. If you have a snoring problem while lying in a certain position, it is better not to lie in that position. It is better to lie down in a comfortable position.
  3. Calling or pushing someone who is snoring in their sleep is not the solution.

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About the Author: K.Homer

Blogger and love to read different things online. My word is simple...I think, we are the real alien in this earth with our worse technology.