Cleaning is a chore. That’s what we’re taught from an early age, and we may still believe it now. It’s a ‘necessary evil’, and a drain on our time and energy.
Did you know that there are ways you can actually make cleaning fun? It can become a chance to move your body, rid yourself of tension, and take a moment of peace for yourself with few distractions.
While we may not enjoy the cleaning process, we do love the results. A fresh, clutter-free home is a pleasure to be in.
While cleaning is unlikely to overtake a night out or time with friends as a fun experience, there are definitely ways that we can make it more enjoyable!
The more we enjoy cleaning, the better job we are able to do. Read on to discover how you too can transform cleaning hassle into ‘Me Time’!
Create A Soundscape
We may need both of our hands free for cleaning… but our ears are still open for business!
There are lots of ways that you can make cleaning more enjoyable, simply by changing the soundscape. If you are using cleaning as a way to exercise, and perhaps want to feel more energised and excited, why not blast out a favourite CD, soundtrack or radio station? Though perhaps use headphones if you have other residents!
If you are looking to make your cleaning experience more peaceful and relaxing, there are other options.
Why not look online for one of the many soundscape videos on YouTube? These can range from tropical paradise beach songs, to an English forest in spring, birdsong, waterfalls and more.
This is especially pleasant when you are trying to focus on de-stressing.
Another option is to challenge your mind with a Podcast. Catch up on a debate, some news, or even a spooky story.
Get Others Involved

Depending on the scale of your cleaning, why not get others involved? You may find your daily or weekly clean to be some time for yourself. But if you are embarking on a bigger project, such as a spring clean or declutter, then get the whole house to pitch in!
You and a partner could divide up tasks, and share small areas amongst the children. Or perhaps you want to make a day of it and get friends involved.
Making cleaning a team effort can have many benefits. Firstly, you are less likely to feel isolated or overwhelmed by the process of cleaning, and secondly it can be a great opportunity to socialise while still being productive!
Take a well-earned coffee break together afterwards to admire your handiwork.
Treat Yourself
Studies show that humans can often be very ‘rewards based’.
If we know that we have something pleasant waiting for us on the other side of a difficult task, we may accomplish it more efficiently.
You could run yourself a hot bath, or make a delicious meal to congratulate yourself on a job well done! But this doesn’t have to be limited to after the cleaning is done. Why not treat yourself throughout the process to keep the momentum?
Sipping a delicious drink or mug of coffee, or snacking on biscuits or fruit can help to keep your energy up — and it’s fun too!
Challenge Yourself
Cleaning can be fun when we make a game of it.
One way to achieve this feeling, is to set yourself some element of challenge. Perhaps it might be setting a timer to see how much you can get done in half an hour or fifteen minutes!
Perhaps it might be longer term, such as a decluttering challenge over 30 days, or a challenge such as daily cleaning for 7 days.
There is some great inspiration online for cleaning challenges, so spice up your routine!
Remember The Benefits
If cleaning feels like an obligation, we may never enjoy it.
But a simple mindset shift can be all that is needed to make the experience more positive.
Remember cleaning is an investment in yourself and your space. A clean, clear space allows you to think more clearly and creatively. It is also good exercise, hygienic, and keeps you physically and mentally healthy.
With a few fun tweaks and a positive attitude, your cleaning routine can be a genuine joy!