Before and After Exercise at Home or GYM

Whatever you do before and after exercise? The amount of time spent on jogging, rope-jumping, weightlifting, cardio or any other exercise is only four percent of the day! If you think that you have done enough to keep fit after a short while, then you are wrong. Exercise is one of the easiest tasks in a routine designed to keep you fit. This means that in addition to exercise to stay fit, you need to pay attention to the activities done before and after exercise, including eating nutritious food and getting enough sleep. These will not only increase your performance in the gym, but will also help in building solid muscles. So come on, don’t know what to do before and after exercise.

Do Before and After EVERY Workout

Before exercise

1) Pay attention to adequate sleep

It is important to get enough rest before starting any exercise. And rest comes perfectly from sleep. In addition to exercise, there is no substitute for focusing on various tasks, to keep the body inert. Sleep helps your heart and blood vessels to heal. Adequate sleep also balances the hormones ghrelin and leptin. Adequate appetite is essential for good health. But if you don’t get enough sleep, your body will have less leptin and more ghrelin. That is why your appetite will decrease and you will not feel the need to eat enough food. It is suicidal for the body.

 “Any fitness program starts with getting enough sleep. I advise my clients to get at least seven hours of sleep. If they can’t get seven hours, get at least six hours of sleep! If you can’t do that, I tell them not to come to the gym. ”

2) Drink enough water

We all are aware of the importance of water for overall health. It also plays a big role in the fitness routine. When you are preparing for exercise, you should make sure that your body has enough water to sweat. You are also balancing your energy levels by drinking enough water. That is, you are instructing the body to expend as much energy as it needs.

“Water can be compared to car oil. Just as oil is needed to drive a car, water is needed to move the body normally. ”

Since the amount of water available varies from person to person, everyone to drink half an ounce of their own weight. That is, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces of water daily. But of course, depending on the weather, the amount of exercise you can drink more or less. However, you need to make sure that you drink enough water.

3) You can eat light food

Many people prepare for exercise after a meal. If you feel that you do not need any snacks before, then it is unnecessary to force something to eat! But if you feel light appetite or if you plan to exercise for a long time, then of course it is better to have a light breakfast. Pick something to eat that has enough protein and that helps boost energy almost immediately. Such as: banana, apple, cooked oatmeal, milk etc. Many people recommend drinking coffee before starting exercise. As seen in various reports, caffeine in coffee increases athletic performance.

4) Be careful in choosing workout clothes

Choose lightweight T-shirts, trousers, sweaters. Make sure they are flexible enough and allow heat to escape easily. Girls can wear sports-bras, gym shorts, yoga pants or similar clothes. Trousers, three-quarter pants, sports pants or hiking pants are best for boys. Cotton or polyester is the best choice for national cotton.

5) Warm up

Warm up increases the ‘range of motion’ as your body temperature rises. It also helps to prepare for long-term exercise, including eliminating inertia. Starting with all the difficult exercises from straight rest, there is a possibility of different types of injuries. Moreover, due to the sudden increase in excess heat, the body becomes tired in a short time. But if you start the whole body with some simple exercises including rope jumping, jogging, side-to-side hops, half jack for ten minutes before starting the main exercise, then your body will be ready to endure the next stresses. A perfect workout will help end the session.

After exercise


1) Stretching

Stretching is almost the opposite of warm-up. But in many cases they do the same thing. After exercising for a certain period of time, our muscles become stiff and contract. The matter is as uncomfortable as it is harmful. Compression causes problems with normal blood flow. Stretching helps to get rid of the problem. Moreover, the role of stretching is also remarkable for achieving flexibility. Stretching helps to achieve calmness by bringing the body back to its previous position by maintaining the role of muscles at the end of the exercise. Stretching also provides relief from various injuries to muscles and muscle glands. You can do stretching workouts like Quad Stretch, Seated Trunk Twist, Flood Stretch, Butterfly Stretch, Swatch Stretch, and Standing Triceps Stretch.

Stretch, Swatch Stretch, and Standing Triceps Stretch.

2) Make up for the nutritional deficiencies after exercise

Eat before exercise or not, but you must eat after exercise. Within the next 30 to 40 minutes of exercise, your body expects adequate carbohydrates and protein, which helps to repair glycogen deficiencies and help build new muscle. Eat enough protein. Moreover, the amount of carbohydrates should be the same. Carbohydrates are needed to restore energy. And of course drink enough water.

3) Above all, take a bath in cold water

Bathing in cold water immediately after exercise reduces the amount of stress and accelerates the healing power. Moreover, it creates peace in the body, which inspires you to concentrate on the exercises to strengthen the body through new hard work in the following days.

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About the Author: K.Homer

Blogger and love to read different things online. My word is simple...I think, we are the real alien in this earth with our worse technology.