Coronavirus vs. flu: symptoms and difference between two

Coronavirus vs. flu– Every year in winter there is cold, cough and fever in most of the house. Seasonal fever, cough or flu is very common during this period. But this year, Corona’s panic has surrounded everyone. If symptoms like fever, cough and sore throat appear, there is enough reason to worry now. So what to do now if such symptoms appear? How do you know if it’s a common cold-cough or flu, or a coronavirus infection?

Symptoms similar to the flu and corona

Both are viral diseases. The infection spreads through contact with each other. Two are capable of spreading from one person to another through colds and sneezes and coughs.

Both can lead to pneumonia if you are not aware of it in time or if it becomes excessive. The flu and corona are at risk, especially for the elderly and those with low immunity.

Both the flu and corona can be prevented with some general awareness. Wearing a face mask, adhering to the etiquette of sneezing and coughing, washing hands frequently and staying away from contact with sick people can both be prevented.

Flu and corona discrepancy

Although flu and corona are both viral diseases, the viruses of the two diseases are not homogeneous. The flu is caused by the influenza virus, and the corona is caused by a corona virus. And more people than flu can have severe complications or life-threatening by corona.

The coronavirus spreads faster than the influenza virus. During the flu, the disease occurs within 2-3 days of exposure to the virus. Symptoms of coronavirus occur within 7 to 14 days of exposure to the virus. Again, a significant aspect of corona is that a large portion of the affected may remain completely asymptomatic. Infections, especially in young children and adolescents, may not be as severe as they used to be. However, although they are asymptomatic, they play a role in the spread of infection.

In the case of the flu, the fever can go up to 103-104 degrees Fahrenheit, and when the medication starts, it starts to go down. In case of coronavirus, the fever is high but it does not want to go down easily. Medications don’t work either. Again, some people do not have a fever.

Coronavirus vs. flu

No separate tests are needed to understand the flu. But polymerase chain reaction or PCR is performed to confirm coronavirus infection.

The flu vaccine has been around for a long time. Coronavirus vaccines have recently been invented, but they have not yet begun to be given in our country.

Flu-induced pneumonia can lead to complications for children and the elderly. But covid pneumonia usually does not take a serious turn for children, unless the child is already sick or has a weakened immune system.

The common flu does not require any treatment other than paracetamol, rest and nutritious food. However, if you are infected with corona, you need to understand the various stages including oxygen therapy and antagonists.

Be careful of any symptoms

Fever: In case of covid, first there is fever or mild fever of 99-101 degrees. If the level of infection then increases, the fever can go up to 103-104 degrees; this strong fever does not want to go down easily.

Cough: Persistent dry cough, whooping cough and shortness of breath are seen as early signs of corona disease. Sneezing like flu, stuffy nose, runny nose are not seen in it.

Coronavirus vs. flu, Coronavirus vs. flu

Shortness of breath: Shortness of breath is one of the most common symptoms of corona disease. When the coronavirus enters the body and reproduces, it enters the lungs, perforates the sac, fills with fluid, and causes pneumonia. The infected person has difficulty breathing. Severe shortness of breath occurs within 7 to 15 days of the onset of symptoms. Again, no one feels short of breath, but the level of oxygen saturation in the blood continues to decrease. This is called happy hypoxia. This means that even if the patient does not understand himself, his body lacks oxygen.

Tastelessness: An important symptom of covidosis is loss of taste or loss of taste in food. Many people only have this one symptom.

what to do now

If you have a cold, cough or fever, you have no history or risk of coming in contact with an infected person in corona, and if you are not on the risk list (lung, heart, kidney, liver disease or any other illness) then rest at home without panic. But whether or not there is covid, stay in isolation until the test confirms it. That is, do not leave the house. Maintain distance from others in the house. Eat nutritious light food. Enough to drink light hot water. If needed, take paracetamol to reduce fever. Take antihistamines for colds, sneezes and coughs. Use a clean handkerchief or mask when sneezing or coughing. Stay away from children, the elderly and pregnant women. If our body’s immune system is good or if there is no major disease, whether it is flu or mild covid, the virus can be overcome.

If the common flu virus infects 100 people, the condition of 15-20 people becomes complicated. Danger is for one or two people. The remaining 80-85% of people have common symptoms and when antibodies are made in the body, it decreases on its own. So there is nothing to worry about.

Necessary steps against Coronavirus

But if you have a cough-fever or other symptoms of coronavirus, have recently come in contact with a person infected with corona or have been to public gatherings, and if you are on the list of at-risk, be sure to get a corona test. Waiting up to 72 hours after the onset of symptoms. If you notice symptoms instead of decreasing, increasing fever, shortness of breath, low blood pressure, dizziness, low oxygen saturation in the blood or feeling extremely weak that you can’t even go to the bathroom, contact the emergency department of the hospital.

Remember, even if the Corona test results are negative, if the fever does not go away in five-seven days, shortness of breath occurs or the physical condition deteriorates rapidly, still contact the hospital. Because, in 30 percent of cases, corona PCR test results may come negative. However, by looking at the X-ray or CT scan of the chest, it can be guessed a lot.

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About the Author: K.Homer

Blogger and love to read different things online. My word is simple...I think, we are the real alien in this earth with our worse technology.