Muscle imbalance Treatment and therapy Guidelines

What is muscle imbalance? Muscle imbalance is an imbalance between the agronomic and antagonistic muscles involved in a particular movement. This type of imbalance often occurs in the absence of exercise, after trauma, or as a result of neurogenic disease. The preferred therapy is physiotherapy, including training sessions with electrostimulation in certain situations.

A high muscle imbalance can be diagnosed by treatment of patients and especially by visual diagnosis by physiotherapists. In anamnesis, previous trauma or known, neurogenic diseases may speak for instability. The movement is dependent on the interpenetration of the human anterior muscles to connect to the central nervous system through frontal motor inversion. They never work alone when the muscles contract. The movement-conscious pioneer relies on an opponent or adversary who enables movement in the opposite direction. If these are not equally strong, then there is muscle imbalance.

When the agonist flexor bends, the anti-extensor must be extended simultaneously. Returning to the starting position was made possible by flexing the extensor, resulting in the original flexor being the opposite. For example, the abdominal muscles are opposite to the back muscles and vice versa. Agonistic and anti-muscle should be about the same strength.

If this is not the case, then there is muscle imbalance. Bad posture, pain and irreversible damage can be the long-term consequences of such imbalances. In rehabilitation and physiotherapy practices, for example, balanced training overriding goals for agonists and opponents. Sometimes the most common imbalances affect the abdominal muscles, which are usually significantly less developed than the anterior back muscles.

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Causes of Muscle imbalance

The cause of muscular imbalance is mainly muscle contraction or muscle weakening or agronomic either these phenomena can be created based on unilateral strength development, which is accompanied by neglect of elasticity. The main trigger of this phenomenon is the lack or complete lack of pressure on the affected muscles.

One-sided stresses in sports and daily life are also possible because the cause’s Muscular imbalance can appear as a symptom of a major illness or as a traumatic outcome. Related diseases are usually diseases of the central nervous system, such as autoimmune diseases multiple sclerosis. When motor nerve tissue is damaged by this type of disease, a muscle receives less movement commands from the central nervous system as a result; the affected muscle can no longer be trained or pressed as its antagonist. This phenomenon can also occur with damage to motor nerves in the periphery of the body, for example in the context of neuropathy. If muscular imbalance occurs as a result of a muscular infection, the cause is usually inadequate regeneration or abuse associated with pain.

Causes of muscle imbalances and how to fix them

Human movements are naturally reciprocal: muscle groups should be opposed to coordinate for proper movement.

The length and strength of the muscles within the opposing muscle group need to be balanced for normal movement and function.

There are two types of muscle imbalances:

Muscle imbalance in the body:

The muscles on each side of your body need to be symmetrical with each other in size and strength. When a muscle (or muscles) on one side of your body is larger, smaller, stronger, or weaker than related muscles on the other, your muscles have an imbalance.

Joint muscle imbalance:

Each muscle that works together with opposing forces that keep the bones of the joint centered for optimal movement. If one or more of these muscles become weak, strong, loose, or stiffer than usual, your muscles have an imbalance and joint mobility may be limited.

What causes muscle imbalance?

A muscle imbalance often results in:

  • Natural development
  • Specific activities of daily life
  • Inactivity
  • Bad posture
  • Unbalanced exercise program
  • Practice with inappropriate forms

Muscle pair

Discriminatory muscle pairs are essentially partners: responsible for pulling one, and responsible for pushing the other. When one (painful) is contracted, the other (opponent) is relaxed. This allows for full joint motion. You will find it effective when you are drinking water from a bottle. With the bottle in your hand, you bend (contract) your biceps to bring your biceps to your mouth. As your biceps contract, your triceps relax. If your biceps or triceps are more advanced than the sides, you may not have the full range of motion. In some situations, more developed muscles may contract more and become tighter.

What is the effect of a muscle imbalance?

Strengthening your muscles is usually beneficial. However, if you pay extra attention to certain parts of the body while neglecting others, your muscles may become unbalanced.

Muscle imbalances can lead to physical problems such as:

  • Limited mobility
  • Pain
  • Unbalanced appearance

Muscle imbalance can also cause instability. This can lead to more losses with the loss:

  • In the joints
  • Ligament
  • Bones
  • Muscles
  • Connective tissues

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Symptoms of muscle imbalance depend heavily on the underlying cause. With muscular imbalances due to muscle contraction, a muscle adapts to a certain stimulus through higher tension, while its opponent does not come into contact with any of the muscles and thus maintains its previous tension. So the short ratio between the two is annoying.

Muscle imbalances, on the other hand, exist when a muscle adapts to a certain stimulus through low tension. The tension of the other muscles remains constant, which changes the short ratio. In the long run, if an unfavorable load is distributed between the muscles and joints, arthro-muscular imbalance occurs with painful muscle tension, tendon overload, and muscle coordination or functional problems. This can increase the wear of articular cartilage. With neurogenic imbalance factors in the peripheral nervous system, the sensitivity of the motor system as well as the affected area is often limited. The same thing can happen with central nervous system.

How do you fix muscle imbalance?

Everything in your body is connected, so anything that affects one part of your body – in any major or minor way – affects everything else.

Diagnosis and course

A high muscle imbalance can be diagnosed by treatment of patients and especially by visual diagnosis by physiotherapists. In anamnesis, previous trauma or known, neurogenic diseases may speak for instability. Symptoms such as round backs also indicate disability. The diagnosis is confirmed by the piece of muscle, which allows the assessment of muscle expression. The diagnosis of the patient depends on the primary cause. Basically, any imbalance can be improved through targeted training. However, central neurological factors are associated with a poorer chance of complete muscle recovery than other factors.


Muscle imbalance is common. In fact everyone is affected at least slightly because certain muscles or muscle groups are always less stressed than others. There are no complaints with low imbalance. Strong muscular imbalances lead to chronic pain.

As a rule, the muscles can be trained evenly with a few exercises, so that the symptoms disappear again. However, if nothing is done, complications will occur over time, often marking irreversible changes. What complications can occur? The most important complications include muscle tension, tendinopathy and osteoarthritis.

Increased muscle tension in the context of chronic bad posture. You can be painless. However, there is often pain during stress or movement. Muscle tissue is stiff. Muscle tension can also be reversed through various therapeutic measures.

Tendinopathies are micro-tears in tendons of strong muscles. Sometimes these cannot be completely cured. This can lead to degenerative changes. Tender attachments display ossifications and limescale deposits. These changes are not initially flammable.

Mechanical irritation can lead to secondary inflammation, which accelerates the degeneration process. Sometimes the symptoms can be reduced by surgery alone. In the worst case, muscle imbalance can also lead to osteoarthritis with subsequent joint deformity and restriction of intense movement.

When do you need to see a doctor?

In many cases, the disease is diagnosed relatively late because the symptoms are not particularly characteristic and can be confused with other diseases. In general, if there is discomfort and pain in the muscles for any particular reason, the person concerned should consult a doctor. These symptoms may further indicate an underlying disease that should be treated.

However, a doctor should be consulted if the pain leads to movement limitations, which usually do not go away on their own and do not persist for a long time. It can cause infections and inflammation. These should be given through a physician so that they can be treated for further spread. It is not uncommon for persistent pain and limited movement to lead to psychological complaints. In this case, treatment should also be administered by a psychologist. Initially, a general practitioner may be consulted for diagnosis. In the next course, treatment must be carried out by a specialist.

Treatment and therapy

Physiotherapy is the preferred therapy for patients with muscle imbalance. In the case of neurogenic factors, referral to a neurologically trained physiotherapist is directed. As part of physiotherapy care, opponents and agronomists are equally trained to restore balance. This goal has become a particularly ambitious goal for diseases of the central nervous system. If nerve tissue in the spine or brain is damaged, the compression commands no longer reach the muscles, making training significantly more difficult. This connection can also interfere with training sessions on peripheral neurological disorders. In such cases, physiotherapy can be combined with electrical stimulation.

Direct stimulation encourages the muscle to contract the nerve impulses individually and trains accordingly without involving the nerve block. Particular attention is paid to muscle tremors during physiotherapy sessions. A break is made as soon as the muscles begin to vibrate.

Outlook and forecast

The subsequent course of imbalance is relatively strongly dependent on the cause of the disease, for which no universal prognosis is possible. However, there is rapid irritation and muscle overload. Muscle tension or functional disorders also occur on the muscles. In severe cases, they can also restrict the patient’s movement.

If the imbalance is caused by an accident or trauma, patients often suffer from psychological complaints and need the help of a psychologist. If the muscle imbalance is severe, the pain sets in. These can limit the daily life of the person concerned. But the pain often disappears on its own.

If tendons and muscle fractures do not heal properly, depression and inflammation can occur. These lead to limitations in movement.

In most cases it is treated with dissension therapy. It largely depends on the cause of the imbalance. If the nerve is damaged, not all restrictions can be cured.


Muscular imbalances can be prevented in daily life through proper movement, adequate movement and even the use of agonists and opponents. Since posture contributes to proper movement control, attending a posture school can make sense. After trauma, imbalances can be prevented as part of rehabilitation measures in the form of professional supervision as regeneration is completed.

Nursing a newly recovered patient

Muscle imbalance therapy can only have a lasting effect if follow-up care is taken there. Patients can do this well with a physiotherapist or sports instructor for the rehabilitation area but also in the gym. The main goal is to compensate for the muscle imbalance or to strengthen the weak muscles and avoid shortening the muscles before stretching.

For example, short chest muscles are stretched and the upper surface is strengthened in people who work on the PC every day in a bent position. Muscles are strengthened through targeted strength training, for which the patient may also draw individual plans by a physiotherapist or rehabilitation sports instructor. Proper application of care and designing this training efficiently with the best individual doses as well as regular units is also important in the context of care.

Muscle imbalance is as important as stretch strengthening of short muscles. Stretching before and after training is not just an important element even in everyday life, for example during breaks, it can always be effectively connected after care. Special stretching courses are also often helpful, such as yoga, which is ideal for strengthening the whole body and does not neglect muscle stretching. Anyone who tends to shorten certain muscles should also pay attention to an ergonomic design of the workplace.

You can do it yourself

Proper sitting is important to fight against muscle imbalance. It is advisable to sit in the office chair ergonomically and dynamically. Refers to a combination of height-adjustable desks. Seating positions should be changed as soon as possible and permanent work and active walking around is also recommended in everyday office life. Muscle imbalance is often caused by a lack of exercise. So it is important to integrate more practice in daily life. The cycle is understandable for walking or working a little farther for a few more minutes to park. Stairs should be used instead of elevators and the printer should not be directly in the workplace for repeated climbs.

Since muscular imbalances can cause unilateral training and a lack of stretching during sports, care should always be taken to keep warm and also to train opponents. Wearing appropriate footwear is also important. In sports, rash growth, falls, pressure on uneven surfaces and muscle overload should be avoided. Thus, muscle imbalance can also be avoided. Many muscle groups help with muscle imbalances at the same time, such as dance, gymnastics or martial arts help A diverse training program is also useful, including strengthening, coordination, balance and stretching exercises. If self-help does not improve, sports therapy is recommended; Muscle deficiencies are remedied through targeted exercises under instruction.

How to Fix Muscle Imbalances step by step expert suggestions:

Aesthetics or the journey to becoming the blue dude now fast ethics comes symmetry. In with symmetry comes great responsibility when you think about it.

Everyone’s imperfect. So everyone’s a little asymmetrical a little more than others. I mean I’m pretty perfect. Anyways we’ve gotten a lot of questions on how to build a symmetrical physique on our social page. So we’re going to be going over a few tips. You can introduce into your program and workout schedule to help with building. Let’s get started.

Dominant VS imbalanced muscle side by side perfection

First let’s talk a little bit about the dominant side either be right-handed or left-handed. If you’re right-handed you tend to have a dominant side on your right side. You’re left-handed you’re going to have a dominant side on your left.

So let’s say for example you’re going to do curls, curls barbell, curls or a bilateral exercise. And bilateral means two sides being affected at the same time. So with a bilateral curl and the barbell curl your dominant side whether you know it or not is actually going to be contracting a little bit harder than your weaker side.

So in my case since I’m right-handed my right side is me working a little bit harder. because it’s stronger. I’m trying to get you through the motion so one of the tips we like to say. It is consciously try to activate your weaker side through a bilateral motion. So if you’re doing curls and you have the bar. Make sure you’re thinking about contracting that left side as you’re curling up. To make sure you’re getting it to activate properly in evenly with the right side. So when you come down you want to be thinking about this left side and pulling with that left side not that you’re pulling it more. You’re just consciously activating it getting a nice squeeze and then lowering it. Down to the bottom position and this can work with any exercise whether it can be bench press squats.

Weaker side vs. stronger side balanced workout


You know you name it so you just got to think about working that weaker side to make sure. It’s activating properly. So now we just went over bilateral two sides being affected. At the same time in consciously contracting your weaker side is mainly for maintenance and making sure you keep a symmetrical Zeke.

Unfortunately a lot of times one side is going to already be smaller than your dominant side. So what you got to do is start introducing unilateral work? Unilateral work is the exact opposite of bilateral work. Its meaning one side is only effective at a time. So let’s say we’re doing curls again. But this time now we want to do unilateral work well. My right side is obviously more dominant and a little bit larger than my left arm. So what you got to do is you’re going to be starting with your weaker side.

And a unilateral motion meaning curls. So you’re going to do the accepted reps. Let’s say around ten to 12 is the planned reps and the program you’re me performing that exercise and once you get that done you’re going to go to your dominant side. Perform the exact same reps once you get that done you’re going to move right on to the next side which is going to be your weaker side and perform a few more reps. That means you’re always constantly going to be doing more work in your weaker side and this is going to force it to grow and hopefully get a little bit more symmetrical physique and match your dominant side. So this is a good way to of that mind muscle connection is if you do unilateral work.

Focus on that muscle a little bit more through the motion

You’re going to actually be able to focus on that muscle a little bit more through the motion. As well so you’re not only getting a little bit more work with alternating the reps. First your weaker side dominant side back to your weaker side for a few more reps to really get that burn. And get those muscles contracted but you’re also going to be mentally being able to contract that weaker side better through the motion while you’re working. Now I know it can be a little bit disheartening when you step in the gym and you do a front double bicep. Or you’re looking in the mirror in the morning in one side.

You can actually visually tell one side is bigger than the other. And you’re thinking I’m doing all this work and my physique is just not building properly. And what you got to remember is when you implement into the program. You know a lot our work to really specifically work one muscle a little bit more than the other to bring it up to par with the dominant side. `You have to be consistent with it.

You’re not going to do a unilateral work for a week. And then all of a sudden see development in your left chest muscle. PEC start and matching your right. You have to be consistent with it. So you’re going to have to really design the program and really always have that in mind and have that in your goal of performing that unilateral work and that brings me along the lines of right into. Unilateral exercises can be really performed in any exercise whether it is bench press squats.

Tips to Muscle imbalance Treatment

I mean you name it you can really implement unilateral work in anything you do so that is the one good thing you just have to remember to be consistent with it. There you have it. Dudes hopefully these tips are going to help you build that nice buff. Dude aesthetic physiques remember everyone’s en you run through these problems. It’s going to be ah one side bigger than the others. It’s going to be a little bit asymmetrical which is okay. One important thing is what you want to remember is try to catch it early on. So try not to just keep working.

How normally is usually doing a normal routine and you’re starting to see those asymmetrical problems and you don’t do anything about it. Hopefully these tools we gave you. You’re going to start implementing them in your program. If you do have any asymmetrical problems or imbalances and you’ll start working them out and then that way the next year. Or so you can have a perfect buff dude physique. All right dudes thanks so much and if you have any recommendations or comments or suggestions please leave them in the comments below stay balance dudes.


The information in this article does not proof its references. This article is for general information only. If you get Muscle imbalance, you should go to a physician consultation.

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About the Author: K.Homer

Blogger and love to read different things online. My word is simple...I think, we are the real alien in this earth with our worse technology.