Dae Jones Biography: American rapper, singer

Name: Sade Grant, known as Dae Jones, is an American Hip hop rapper. She has signed to Island Records. Jones is famous for her singles “Bad Bitch”, “Waves” and “Cash App”. She has been inspired by Kanye West’s song and expressed her voice with special song.

In Cabrini Green in Chicago, March 22, 1990 Dae Jones was born. She is an American rapper, singer.  Apart from this she is also an entrepreneur from Chicago, Illinois. Jones is the CEO of Snap N Go Hats.

Awards of Dae Jones

She was a 2019 BET Next Rap Star. Dae Jones from magnificent performances at the #BETExperience and the 2019 Hip Hop Awards Cypher, the up and coming rapper was the most recent winner of BET’s The Next Rap Star Competition.


Jones discography is overwhelmingly classical. Her music is nothing short of legendary.

Albums/Mixtapes {TBA (2020)}


  • “Bad Bitch” (2018)
  • “Bad Bytch Pt 2” (2019)
  • “Waves” (2019)
  • “Cash App” (2020)

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On social Medias she has a great follower base everywhere. She has some outstanding activities on there. Jones is just remarkable with her next great work. She is just a legend.

Jones recent exclusive interview one, she talks new song “Cash App“. She told “It felt amazing to finally feel like I’m winning within my music career. I’ve always been in settings where you’re judged off of popularity, at that competition I was judged based off talent. No one knew me personally at the table and the talent prevailed. “

Dae Jones: “I’m hoping that people know that “That girl can rap, she’s been through some shit but she’s a fighter and she’s about her business”.”

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About the Author: K.Homer

Blogger and love to read different things online. My word is simple...I think, we are the real alien in this earth with our worse technology.