mRNA vaccine against Coronavirus could be ready soon

The two vaccines that are currently leading the race for the Coronavirus vaccine are the mRNA vaccines. mRNA is the messenger RNA. This m-RNA, which is essential for the functioning of cells, acts like a messenger. RNA is formed by following the genome or DNA of a cell in a biochemical reaction called transcription at the nucleus of a cell. m-RNA is made by cutting that RNA into another type of reaction called translation, which is needed to make it suitable for making proteins.

In this process, proteins are formed by altering m-RNA. Carries the genome or DNA codes in the nucleus to the cytoplasm. There, based on the code present in m-RNA, different types of amino acids combine with each other to form thousands of different types of proteins. It’s a lot like making a garland with beads of different colors or sizes. As our brains tell us which beads to add when making beads, amino acids are added according to the code stored in the m-RNA when making proteins. How did this m-RNA, an essential element of the cell, get involved in the vaccine effort?

Behind the mRNA vaccine

The purpose of the vaccine is to train our body’s immune system to fight specific pathogens. And to do that we need to apply something to our body that will identify the germ in our body without causing any harm. As Edward Jenner, the founder of vaccine science, did in the eighteenth century. He noticed that cowpox-infected cowboys do not have smallpox. It was from this idea that he contracted the smallpox virus, or smallpox, which was then a deadly disease. This was made possible by the fact that the smallpox virus has a lot in common with the cowpox virus. Again since the cowpox virus cannot cause serious diseases in the human body.

Later, however, the smallpox vaccine was changed at different times. One by one new technologies are added to vaccine science. Vaccines are used one by one: inactivated germs, such as rabies and polio virus vaccines; Used, live but ‘attenuated’ or anesthetized germs, such as BCG, measles, mumps and rubella vaccines; Bacterial toxins, such as diphtheria and tetanus vaccines, are also used. On the other hand, with the advancement of gene technology, new levels of recombinant protein and conjugate vaccines such as hepatitis-B, Hib, whooping cough, pneumococcal and meningococcal vaccines have been developed.

mrna vaccine mechanism


Regardless of the type of vaccine, the key to the effectiveness of the vaccine is: to have pre-existing immunity against a single germ. A part of antibodies made against germs. This immunity can be against inactivated or anesthetized bacteria or viruses or against any protein or polysaccharide that is part of the body’s immune system. Thanks to gene technology, the proteins of one bacterium can easily be made into another microorganism or animal body.

From this idea came the idea of ​​DNA or RNA vaccine. Since it is possible to make RNA artificially and commercially outside the cell, it is not impossible to make millions of doses of the m-RNA vaccine. In 1990, it was first reported that m-RNA was used to make the desired protein in animals. At that time, the study was started with the aim of using it as a cancer vaccine, not a pathogen. However, due to the successful delivery of the m-RNA vaccine to cells, unwanted reactions in the body, and doubts about the stability of the vaccine, little emphasis was placed on the study.

mrna vaccines research

Over the past decade, there has been much progress in research on m-RNA delivery in cells and its sustainability in animals. By modifying the structure and code of m-RNA to increase its durability, and by encapsulating it in lipid nanoparticles, m-RNA is being delivered to the inside of the cell. The MRNA vaccine has been successfully tested against a variety of pathogens in rats, rabbits and humans before the Corona epidemic. Even the first-stage clinical trials began with many m-RNA vaccines; These include influenza, Ebola, Zika and Chikungunya vaccines. However, no other vaccine has reached the stage where research has been done on the M-RNA vaccine of Covid-19 coronavirus. Needless to say, behind this incredible rapid progress is the accumulated experience of the last one decade.

Read- Baby with coronavirus antibodies

mrna based vaccines

The urgent need to control the corona epidemic has caused a great stir in the vaccine world. At present more than one hundred vaccines are being worked on. There are a total of 54 vaccines in the clinical trial. These include all conventional vaccine types, from adenovirus-based vaccines and M-RNA vaccines. Adenovirus-based vaccines, such as the Oxford vaccine in the United Kingdom, the Sputnik-5 in Russia, and the Cancino bio-vaccine in China, have been at the center of discussions so far, passing the first and second stages of clinical trials.

The modern M-RNA vaccine was also at the forefront. But at the moment, Pfizer-Bintech’s M-RNA vaccine is at the forefront. In the third phase of the clinical trial, the vaccine was administered to 43,000 people and found to be about 95 percent effective in controlling the infection. Without any significant side effects. The modern M-RNA vaccine has shown similar success. On top of that, the modern M-RNA vaccine has the added benefit of preservation. Where the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine has to be stored at a temperature below minus 60 degrees Celsius. The modern vaccine lasts up to a month in a normal refrigerator and up to six months in a deep freezer (at -20 degree C).

Emergency use authorization of corona vaccine

Pfizer-Biontech has already applied to the FDA for emergency use authorization. Modern is also expected to apply in a week or two. If all goes well, two M-RNA vaccines are likely to be approved for the first time by the end of this year. There are many challenges even after approval. Production, quality control, storage and supply of vaccines on a large scale. Moreover, passing the clinical trial and getting approval is not the end. It takes years to determine the effectiveness of a vaccine, its side effects, and how much protection it can provide. Post-application practical experience is also required outside of clinical trials. Regular monitoring of vaccine effectiveness is required.

mRNA-vaccine is the name of a new technology in the prevention of infectious diseases. Work on this type of vaccine has been going on for a long time. But so far there is no example of successful application of such vaccine in the world. If successfully applied, this vaccine of Covid 19 coronavirus will bring a new revolution in vaccine technology.

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About the Author: K.Homer

Blogger and love to read different things online. My word is simple...I think, we are the real alien in this earth with our worse technology.