Biden pet moved out of the white house

When President Joe Biden came to the White House with his family, he was accompanied by a ‘Major’. He is also a member of the President’s family. But as soon as he entered the White House, it was as if he had lost his mind. He became insane, rushing towards anyone aggressively. The president Biden moved his pet dogs out of the White House.

This ‘Major’ is the pet dog of US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden. This is a German Shepherd. They have another dog of this breed. Its name is ‘Champ‘. After entering the White House, the Major began to behave aggressively. Both dogs were later returned to Biden’s family home in Delaware. Two sources familiar with the matter told CNN this information.

Biden pet Major and Champ

‘Major’ is 3 years old. This dog is quite naughty and also aggressive. In 2018, Biden brought the Major from an animal shelter in Delaware to take care of him. And Champ is 13 years old. This dog has become physically slow due to age.

Biden was sworn in as President of the United States on January 20. Less than a week after his swearing-in, Champ and Major were brought to the White House.

Sources said that the ‘Major’ was behaving aggressively in the White House. He even bit a member of the White House security team. In this regard, both the dogs ‘Major’ and ‘Champ’ were sent back to their home in Delaware last week.

The condition of the man who was bitten by the “major” at the White House is unknown. But the incident was serious enough. That’s why it was decided to send back the two dogs from the White House.

Jill Biden said in an interview last month that she was in trouble with two pet dogs at the White House.

Aware of the two dogs ’schedules, one person confirmed,‘ Champ ’and‘ Major ’are now in Delaware. However, according to her commentary, when the First Lady is out, the two dogs are usually kept with the caretaker in Delaware.

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About the Author: K.Homer

Blogger and love to read different things online. My word is simple...I think, we are the real alien in this earth with our worse technology.

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