Bangladesh news: VP Nur constantly criticizing the Govt.

The recent release of “All the Prime Minister’s Men”, the investigation documentary by Al Jazeera on corruption in Bangladesh’s politics and the information about the mafia system has created a mixed reaction among the people of Bangladesh. Former DUCSU VP Nur and progressive youth organizations have repeatedly brought to the fore the issues presented by Al Jazeera in various programs.

VP Nur constantly criticizing the Govt. against digital security law  

The student leader, former DUCSU VP, Md Nurul Haque has been playing a significant role in Bangladesh’s politics. His recent remarks on the repeal of Bangladesh’s controversial digital law have raised hopes among the people. Since the beginning of his student politics, he has been criticizing the Bangladesh government one after another. VP Nur, along with many other wise men, has expressed the view that the movement that has recently erupted over the death of writer Mushtaq in police custody could turn violent.

Freedom Fighter Dr. Zafarullah (The founder of Gonoshasthaya) has taken to the streets in solidarity with the movement against the Digital Security Act of student and youth organizations.

It has been reported in different mass Medias and social media that Bangladesh’s law enforcement agencies are harassing journalists and many ordinary people by abusing the Digital Security Act.

The issue came to the fore recently when writer Mushtaq died in police custody and the student and youth community oppose the government’s controversial law.

The law minister of Bangladesh said in a statement that the government was not thinking of changing or repealing the law but would take steps to curb its misuse.

On the other hand, students and youth society and various political banners have given an ultimatum to this government to repeal this law. At a press conference, VP Nur said that if the government does not take any steps to repeal the current digital security law by March 26, then the government will be forced to repeal the law through a mass movement.

Recent Al Jazeera Documentary “All the Prime minister’s men”

Meanwhile, a video documentary released on Al Jazeera a month ago raised the issue of corruption and mafia rings in the current Bangladeshi government, which has provoked a backlash against the government.

A section of the people of Bangladesh thinks that the government has no proper response against this video. On the other hand, a case was filed in the US Federal Court on behalf of the American expatriate Awami League organization against this documentary of Al Jazeera.

No updates were found before writing this blog in terms of this case file.

There is another surprising issue in this regard, which is that some expatriates are constantly talking against the Bangladesh government on social media. Among these expatriates, former Bangladesh Army officer Col (retd) Shahid Uddin Khan, Major Delwar ((Retd)), journalist Dr. Kanak Sarwar (Ex-ETV reporter), journalist Elias Hossain (Ex-ETV crime reporter), and many others are talking about this evidence of corruption in the Bangladesh government at different times.

Note that in the case filed in the Federal Court against Al Jazeera, the names of some expatriate Bangladeshis have been mentioned and it has been said that they have provided information in the report of Al Jazeera.

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About the Author: K.Homer

Blogger and love to read different things online. My word is simple...I think, we are the real alien in this earth with our worse technology.