While working in the office, a colleague suddenly fell unconscious. No one understands anything. Some are sprinkling water on his face, some are massaging his feet. The ambulance was called and the patient was taken to the nearest hospital where the doctor declared him dead. He may have died of sudden cardiac arrest. But if colleagues knew cardiac arrest immediate treatment at these times, the soul might have survived.
Cardiac arrest and heart attack is not the same thing. Accurate information about cardiac arrest and knowledge of basic life support can save many lives. In many countries, everyone from school children to salesmen receive training in terms of immediate treatment to Cardiac arrest.
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Cardiac arrest definition
Cardiac arrest means when the heart stops circulating blood. In this case the patient suddenly becomes unconscious and cannot breathe. Blood flow throughout the body is stopped. Especially when the blood flow to the brain stops, the oxygen supply decreases and the patient become unconscious. In addition to heart attacks, heart problems can lead to cardiac arrest if there are irregular heartbeats.
How to understand
If a patient who has fallen suddenly stops breathing, does not feel the pulse of the hand, suddenly loses consciousness, the skin feels cold and pale, then cardiac arrest can be considered.
Those who are at risk
There is a risk of cardiac arrest if there are lungs, heart, coronary-artery-disease. Cardiac arrest can also be caused by an imbalance of hydrogen ions or potassium in the body, side effects of toxins or any drug, excessive cold or reduced oxygen levels in the blood for any reason. It can happen to people of any age.
Immediate treatment to Cardiac arrest patient
In cases where the patient has had a cardiac arrest, it is important to seek immediate treatment. In medical parlance it is called Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).
First, look around and bring the person you are CPR to a safe place. Lay the affected person on a hard floor.
Press with both hands along the middle of the chest. After applying pressure on the chest 30 times (at a speed of 100-120 / min), lift the affected chin and open the mouth with a yawn.
Apply mouth-to-mouth (mouth-to-mouth breathing) to give air (oxygen) to the affected person’s airways twice. In many cases, oxygen can be given with a mask (mouth to mask) without directly applying it to the face.
Chest pressure and breathing in the ratio 30: 2 should be taken periodically, until the patient regains consciousness, feels a pulse or is sent to a nearby hospital. This process includes Basic Life Support. Unnecessary delay in this work will not work. Continue CPR until help arrives.
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