Changes to city procurement can minimize CO2 emissions?

This blog was firstly published by Anna Lisa Boni on Cities Today, an engaging news platform on urban mobility and innovation, reaching an international visitors of city leaders. For the latest updates follow Cities Today on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube, or sign up for Cities Today News.

Minimize CO2 emissions

The man made battle of the next ten years is adopting a shape. On one side, European cities, and on the other, emissions, CO2, and contamination. The goal? To get carbon neutrality and take one step closer to the end of the pure air crisis.

Cities across Europe have a weapons area in this fight against weather change. But one that is often overlooked is procurement. In the grand coalition of humanity fighting a common enemy, this powerful weapon should not ignore.

The proof is there. In Oslo, the world has observed the first ever zero-emissions artificial site. At the Olav V street reparation project, the entire appliance – diggers, excavators, and loaders – is electric.

The project area has huge positive sign for Oslo’s residents in terms of air nature and sound pollution. It also wonders us that work, for instance, represents 23 percent of the world’s CO2 emissions. And almost six percent of these emissions come directly from works on construction areas.

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Minimize CO2 emissions- Oslo, along with Amsterdam, Brussels, Budapest, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Lisbon, Trondheim, and Vienna, is part of the Zemcons group of the EU-funded Big Buyers for Climate and Environment. This is an advancement of joint European collaboration in procurement to move towards air neutrality.

Most of all, projects what the Olav V street reparation send an obvious message to the industry: the demand for zero-emissions erection machinery is there. The providing goods must now move to meet this need. Most of the ambitious cities are working on tests and trials in collaboration with providers across Europe. Oslo won’t be the last city to have tidy, positive, and quiet construction areas. There is no slander in such a collaboration – when the best-laid plans don’t work, cities and construction equipment suppliers action together to find positive solutions.

Cities in Europe have clearly demonstrated their power to be innovative in their approach to fighting climate change. It was not by magic that Oslo’s Olav V site came into being – it took hard work and a political commitment to reducing the construction sector’s carbon footprint.

If one city can use procurement in such an effective way, the benefit from cities working together in this area could be the secret weapon in the fight against climate change.

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About the Author: K.Homer

Blogger and love to read different things online. My word is simple...I think, we are the real alien in this earth with our worse technology.