What-is-cerebral-infarction – How to Avoid It?

Cerebral-infarction– One of the most common forms of cerebral-infarction, cerebral ischemia, or ischemic stroke is based on ischemia – a sudden decrease in blood flow to the brain – which can lead to death of nerve and brain cells.

What is Cerebral-infarction?

It is important to see a doctor immediately if the patient shows early warning signs such as temporary discomfort, short paralysis, speech impairment or memory problems.

The term cerebral infarction is used especially when it is ischemic stroke. It reduces blood flow to the brain, which reduces the supply of glucose and oxygen to the organs.

Such a loss of blood flow is called ischemia in medicine. Closing or narrowing of the arteries that supply the brain is responsible for reducing blood flow. If the ischemia is not reversible, it leads to the death of brain and nerve cells, resulting in brain infarction.

Medicine has classified cerebral infarction as an emergency. Ischemic stroke is one of the leading causes of death in industrialized countries. People over the age of 70 are particularly vulnerable. Stroke is significantly more common in men than in women.

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For most people, it is caused by high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, or tobacco use. The main cause of arterial calcification is arterial calcification.

In the process, the plaques accumulate in the inner walls of the blood vessels over time. This means the accumulation of fat and cells. The larger the size of the plaque, the smaller the damaged blood vessels. People suffering from diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure are especially sensitive to plaque formation.

If the artery gradually shrinks through the blades, oxygen-rich blood can no longer reach the tissues. There is also a risk of tearing the blade. This crack can lead to the formation of thrombus (blood clots).

As a result, the ship is in danger of shutting down completely. As a result it leads to ischemia, during which the supply of oxygen to the tissues is disrupted. The patient then suffers a stroke. Another possible cause of cerebral infarction is embolism. The result is that the ambulance can move freely and is able to follow the blood flow in the body.

In the worst case it blocks a blood vessel in the brain and causes a stroke. Deformities of inflamed cerebral veins, heart or cardiac arrhythmias are mostly responsible for embolism. Risk factors for cerebral infarction include, in addition to aging, fat metabolism disorders, lack of exercise, alcohol and smoking.

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The sudden presence of various symptoms is common in ischemic stroke. The affected people are suffering from loss of consciousness. It can manifest itself by fatigue, loss of consciousness or even deep coma.

Other possible complaints include headache, dizziness, double vision, nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing and speaking, visual field loss, hemiplegia or paralysis of individual organs and memory loss.

Also, symptoms of neuropsychological deficits such as apraxia, attention disorders and cognitive dysphasia occur. Which symptoms can actually be recorded depends on the vessel or area of ​​the brain affected. Moreover, there are various complaints between men and women.

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Treatment and therapy

Cerebral-infarction requires immediate treatment. It should be hospitalized in a so-called stroke unit. There the patient receives optimal diagnostics and therapy. He is under close observation. Body temperature, pulse, blood pressure, respiration and blood sugar are checked.

In addition, a number of medical disciplines, such as neuroscience, neurosurgery, radiology, and internal medicine, work together. A possible treatment option for cerebral infarction is lysis therapy, which involves dissolving a clot in the blood.

Blood-thinning drugs may also be given in the early stages of ischemic stroke. It mainly contains acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). However, it should not be taken with lysis therapy. Adequate blood saturation is also important, including oxygen and thrombosis prophylaxis.

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You can do it yourself

A Cerebral-infarction is also called a stroke, where every minute is counted to get such recognition. If it is successfully treated as soon as possible, follow-up care will be essential. As long as the diagnosis is postponed, more patients may be harmed. In the event of damage as a result of a disease such as unilateral paralysis or language difficulties, the person concerned should seek specialist rehabilitation. These should be run by an expert in his practice. It takes a lot of patience and empathy to make an effective recovery. In many cases the patient can be completely cured again through timely detection and treatment as well as necessary therapy.

To avoid subsequent cerebral infarction, the patient may need to change their lifestyle, stop smoking and excessive alcohol intake, and may need to change their diet to a healthier diet. If any other incidents occur, it is important to take immediate action. These should be taken immediately to the hospital or call the emergency services, who have already been told by phone that a cerebral infarction has already occurred. Symptoms include unilateral obstruction of movement, difficulty speaking, and visual impairment that may be recognized.

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About the Author: K.Homer

Blogger and love to read different things online. My word is simple...I think, we are the real alien in this earth with our worse technology.