Peter Strzok, a former FBI official, has called President Donald Trump a threat to US national security. The former FBI official described Trump as a national threat in a new book, according to a New York Times report.
Peter a former FBI official
Peter, a former FBI official, was investigating allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election.
Mentioning that memory, he wrote in the book that President Trump wanted to accept political support even from the opposition like Russia.
Trump a threat
As Peter wrote in his book, this is not the work of a patriot. It is the opposite of patriotism.
Peter claims that Trump used political pressure on the FBI to fire him for criticizing the president in the 2016 election. He also commented that he was fired due to pressure from the president.
Peter was part of an investigation into allegations of Russian interference in the election. In the summer of 2017, former special counsel Robert Mueller removed him. Peter filed a lawsuit in the country’s judiciary in 2018 alleging that he had been fired due to political pressure from President Trump.
In his book, the former FBI official insists he was not part of any attempt to harm the president. Rather, the purpose of the investigation was to show how far the credible allegations of foreign intelligence interference in the presidential election had gone.