Application for TC – (Transfer Certificate)

Suppose your father has been transferred from one area to another area. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college for a TC.

Transfer Certificate Application Format:

21 November, 2020

The Principal

(Your College Name Here)

(Location Name)

Subject: Application for a transfer certificate.

Dear Sir,

I respectfully state that I am a student of Class XI of your college. My father who is a government official has been transferred to “Location Name” from “Location Name“. Already My family has been moved to “Location Name“. My father will to take me with him. So I need a certificate to get myself admitted into a college in “Location name“.

Therefore, I would request you to grant me a transfer certificate and oblige thereby.


In the above circumstances, I pray and hope that you would be kind enough to issue me a transfer certificate and oblige thereby.


Your Name

Class-XI, Group-“Name Your Group“, Roll No-“Your Roll Number

Note: You may write differently an application for TC. It’s a format only. You may change some words and write differently an application to your headmaster/headmistress also.

Writing technique for Application

There are some specific ways to write application. You just need to change your name, location and application purpose.

As like, if you want to write an application for full free studentship to your principle or headmaster then just change your application with some specific word. Most of the parts of application are same. Just change your purpose of your application with two or three sentences it’ll turn a new application.

It’s very easy, simple and quick method to write different application. Just think it and change it with correct information and purpose. You’ll get new things automatically.

Note: Do not copy/paste this application. It’s an example to write an application. You may take this one and change all things with correct information.

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About the Author: K.Homer

Blogger and love to read different things online. My word is simple...I think, we are the real alien in this earth with our worse technology.