3 Easy Ways To Make Money Online In India and Pakistan

Like many other students and those who are looking for a job, you might be also looking for the ways to make money online with little or even no investment. Without wasting your time, we would like to tell you the 3 simple and easy ways to make a lot of money online in India and Pakistan.

Though you can use these methods to make online money from any part of the world, but most of the freelancers are from India and Pakistan so we will talk about these two countries.

So here we go:

YouTube Channel for Mobile Tips

These days every single person has a good Android or iOS mobile. So don’t waste your time in just messaging your friends. Make some tips and tricks video on your mobile by screen recording feature or by using a screen recorder app if you don’t have this feature built in. You can also use a second mobile to make even better video that will not require much editing.

YouTuber- make money online

Publish these videos on YouTube and try to get some traffic from social media and by creating good tags and keywords in the video description. When you meet the YouTube guidelines, start monetizing your videos and you can earn hundreds of dollars every month.

If you don’t know the mobile tips and tricks, no need to worry at all. Watch the videos from other YouTubers who provide different tips and you just need to copy their tricks and implement the procedure on your mobile to make your own video.

For example a simple idea would be how to check SIM number without balance? Or you can make a video on Samsung Galaxy secret codes. You can also make video reviews of different free and unique utility Android applications.

Sell Email Signature Service on Fiverr

Fiverr.com is a big website for freelancers and you can find millions of freelancers on this site. You can sell your service for making a clickable email signature to hundreds of thousands of clients on Fiverr or other platforms for freelancers.


What did you said? You don’t know what is the email signature service? Don’t worry dude! As we said earlier that we are going to tell you the easiest methods, so go to YouTube and write “how to make email signature”. You will find a lot of videos.

Watch those videos and you will learn this easy method in just 30 minutes maximum. You don’t need to have any knowledge of coding or designing. If you can use the keyboard and mouse of the computer, you can learn this easy trick.

After learning how to create email signatures, just practice on it for some time and make a few templates. Now create your GIG on Fiverr and use proper tags and keywords. That is it. Now just wait for the clients who want to buy your service, they will contact you and place an order for you on almost daily basis. You can sell this service as low as in $5 and it will take only 5 minutes to make the email signature with clickable links if you already have made the templates.

Make a NEWS Website

If you are good in making websites, that is perfect. But if you don’t know how to create websites, no need to worry. You can learn how to create WordPress website from YouTube in just one day.

News-Website- make money

Now buy your domain and hosting and make a News website. Get the content from the top News websites and rewrite that content. If you are from Pakistan, you can follow Dunya Urdu News website, and if you are in India then you can follow Indian Express website.

Whenever they post breaking news, just copy those, rewrite that content and post it on your website. Do this on daily basis. After 2 or 3 weeks, apply for the Google Adsense and when you get approved to monetize your website do some SEO work on it.

If you post NEWS on time, then even SEO will not be required you will start getting organic traffic in a few weeks. You can also get traffic from Facebook and Twitter. More traffic you get more money you can make from your home.

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About the Author: K.Homer

Blogger and love to read different things online. My word is simple...I think, we are the real alien in this earth with our worse technology.