Tomato skin care review: some ‘proven’ uses of tomatoes

Tomatoes can be used to get healthy, clean and smooth skin. Tomatoes are rich in potassium and vitamin C, which help to get radiant skin. It contains a very important antioxidant called lysopine, which smooths the skin by removing various blemishes, wrinkles and dryness. Let’s get some Tomato skin care review:

How Tomatoes Work on the Skin –

1. Apply raw tomato juice on the face, leave it for five minutes and wash it off with water. This will remove the oily feeling of the skin and the skin will be smooth and clear.

2. Tomato juice removes unwanted pores and blackheads from the skin. Rub half a tomato on your face, leave it for at least 15 minutes and wash it off with water.

3. Tomatoes Mix tomato peel and a teaspoon of fresh mint butter and apply on face to brighten skin and remove blemishes. After drying, rinse with water.

4. Tomatoes eliminate the harmful effects of sunburned skin. Mix almond milk with tomato juice and apply on the skin and leave it for a while. The burning sensation of the skin will be removed.

5. Cucumber juice and a tomato juice can be mixed well and used as a toner. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four days.

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Tomato skin care review

Tomato Eliminates dead cells

The enzymes in tomatoes exfoliate the skin and remove dead cells and blackheads. Tomatoes help those whose skin is sensitive and prone to acne to exfoliate and maintain smoothness.

Tip: Mix tomatoes and brown sugar together and use it to make a scrub for the body. If you want to use it on face, you can use only the inner part of the tomato. Prepare the pack 15 minutes before use to mix the sugar well in the tomatoes.

Tomatoes reduce skin irritation burns

Frequent use of makeup, prolonged sunburn, and prolonged use of anti-acne products can cause skin irritation. Tomatoes are rich in some anti-inflammatory ingredients such as beta carotene, lutein, vitamins E, C and lycopene which help reduce inflammation and discomfort.

Tip: Mix tomatoes and cucumbers together to make a pack and use it on the skin to help reduce inflammation.

Use Tomatoes To increase the radiance of the skin

Tomatoes contain vitamins C, E and beta carotene which naturally brighten the skin and keep it beautiful.

Tip: Mix sandalwood or turmeric powder with tomato juice to make a pack and apply it on the skin. Brightness will increase.

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Tomato Reduces the impression of age

Vitamin B is found in tomatoes such as B1, B3, B5, B6 and B9. These vitamins help reduce the appearance of age on the skin. Tomatoes can also be protected from wrinkles, age spots, eye spots, pigmentation, etc.

Tip: Mix avocado with tomato to make a pack and use it to get better results.

The hair follicles tighten

The astringent of tomato helps to keep the pores of the skin tight and reduces its visibility. Moreover, tomato juice also reduces the risk of skin breakouts.

Tip: If you have a problem with large pores on the skin, use a tomato and lemon juice mixture to make a pack, it will be beneficial.

Tomato Reduces erosion caused by the sun

Tomatoes contain red lycopene and turn red. It has UV-protective material. While it does not act as a sunblock, tomatoes help protect against sun damage. It reduces sunburn and inflammation.

Tip: Use tomato juice on the skin twice a day for best results.

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About the Author: K.Homer

Blogger and love to read different things online. My word is simple...I think, we are the real alien in this earth with our worse technology.