Bulldog from Collectibulldogs UK- Hi readers I hope your all well and safe out there! We thought it would be nice for all to meet Porscha the mini bulldog from Collectibulldogs, “where’s wiggles some may say” I’m afraid my best friend travelled over the rainbow bridge this March just after my birthday.
As a family we grieved we also took advice from others on whether we were too early in getting a new furry friend, people’s opinions do and did matter but as a person that’s always had dogs I decided to go ahead and adopt a puppy.
English and French mix bulldog
Porscha has a French bulldog pug mix and her father is an English bulldog, the combination combined if done right creates what’s known as the miniature bulldog I’m guessing the stump I’m growth comes from the pug side as both the French and English bulldogs can be double the weight even triple.
Our last bulldog contracted knuckling of the paw and it did not get better so I took the decision to carry her everywhere, we live fifty stairs up so trips to the vets and fresh air took it’s tole on my physical and emotional wellbeing, I’m now sporting what feels like Costochondritis in the chest and my left knee has to be seen. It was worth the permanent damage I’ve created for myself I gave that bulldog my all and it was not till the devastating news of a shoulder tumour that I finally realized it was her time to go, that morning was peaceful in the taxi to the vets unlike other trips wiggles wriggled about but this ride had her just staring out the window and kissing me.
Her contribution to our family the venture and even her own self discovery will never be forgotten and to me a dog that can pull in over two hundred thousand followers on one format alone you can just imagine the thousands that hurt that day I did. May you rest in peace my friend?
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Meet Porscha the mini Bulldog from Collectibulldogs
Porscha oh what a pocket we have found here! our last lively dog was a boxer dog middle sized white and very active that was when I was in my late teens after that two slower living bulldogs whom at middle age just wanted love and attention, not Porscha yes she is of bulldog Origen but the energy she has WOW…..

Her morning normally starts about six or seven (later if she was up the night before) she joins Debbie in the front room where I’m told breakfast gets shared I’m assuming Debbie means she shares her cereal as I cannot see her chomping on dog chow lol, then it’s two hours playing before both have a nap.
Taking over once up I split my time between answering emails doing re-tweets thanking those that have let my post into their groups AND play with Porscha too, oh and I cook everyday now too so Porscha helps by keeping the floor clean of tidbits (plz note nothing is ever dropped on purpose as not to induce begging).
Most of the day is spent trying to drain Porschas energy and before folks write in the idea is to make her tired so that she does not see bedtime as playtime and jump all over my pregnant wife (yes it’s true and we are so humbled and happy). I take her out daily or when I’m going for a walk myself too but her battery pack still says full.
Adopt a bulldog uk-mini bulldog from Collectibulldogs
The main reason we want people to meet Porscha the mini bulldog from Collectibulldogs is to get used to her taking over and for you all to see how cute this little puppy is! Porscha has started her own following and we have loyal followers around the world that stay regardless and we appreciate all that appreciate us here.
Her size means I can carry her with ease and I believe as I carried her home the day we went to get her she’s trusted my arms ever since, she’s been here about three months nearly and now neither Debbie nor my daughter can lift her, she shows bulldog diva like qualities still and expects to be carried up and down stairs.
I’ll say now Porscha is not the quiet timid type she loves her own Bark she defends herself against the two cats and when we are out on the promenade taking a walk she’s either trying to make furry friends with other dogs or she becomes what we call a “DirtBag”! Porscha will just walk up to anyone drop to the floor in a submissive fashion waiting for the attention to start.
Now this is ok when joe public is willing but she has not learned yet that not everyone will find her cute enough to stop for a stroke, recently I videoed on periscope a walk where she met some young ladies, she was so excited about their excitement she peed on them
I cannot name all Porschas good and bad points it’s not easy with such a cute face looking at you to say she does anything wrong yet daily challenges with her would state otherwise, Porscha is very young still and has lots to learn about the world around her and get to know her place before the new baby arrives.
When we had our first child we had a puppy so I got to thinking “are puppies modern day storks” ? I then wrote an article on this subject which you can find over at Collectibulldogs.com our multi award winning bulldog memorabilia and antiques blogging website the first of its kind in the world.
Proud as punch to have Gary O’Sullivan (Spike to he’s friends) as our endorsement you can find he has a page on our website and we follow his progress on twitter with free promotion when or before he fights, we except guest articles and url exchanges too and can tweet to over 200k on twitter if needed.
The new Collectibulldogs rebuild will say goodbye to the old format we are laying wiggles to rest from the site but she will join others on a new page we are calling passed fallen heroes. This will free up space and once you meet Porscha the mini bulldog from Collectibulldogs we are sure her own posts will be just as popular as some of our top visited antiques articles, We think Porscha is beautiful please leave a comment stating what you think
Stay safe Eiffion Ashdown CBDs Collectibulldogs…
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