How Long Will This Coronavirus Pandemic Last?

Coronavirus Pandemic- The world is now shut down. Seeing the places where people walk in and they do their daily works, it seems ghostly now. The situation has been created due to restrictions on daily movement, closure of school, restrictions on travel, and restrictions on mass gatherings though.

The way the whole world has reacted to preventing a disease is unprecedented and some people are expressing their word that this is not the right path to stop this pandemic. But where is the end of it? When will people be able to return to their normal daily lives? Its a billion dollars questions…

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said Britain will be able to ‘turn the tide in reverse’ within 12 weeks. Two and a half weeks have passed.

Within three months, the number of infections will decrease, but it’s sure there is still a long time to go before the coronavirus infection can be completely eliminated. It may take up to several years.

Coronavirus Pandemic- how long will it last

It is clear that the way big cities are being closed down and rules are being imposed on people’s daily activities, it is not possible to continue in the long run. Thus, if everything is closed, the social and economic impact will be severe.

Countries need to find a strategy to overcome of this situation. We all have to find ways to overcome the restrictions and get back to normal life.

It is okay that imposing restrictions has prevented the spread of coronavirus. Removing these restrictions will increase the number of infections.

“What is the strategy for getting out of here and how do we get out of it – there are big problems with it,” said Mark Woolhouse, professor of infectious diseases at Edinburgh University.

He said that no country in the world has a strategy on the matter.

Determining this strategy is a major scientific and social challenge.

There are three ways to do this.

1. Vaccinate

2. Virus infection in many people will develop immunity by bringing in them

3. Or to bring about change in the conduct of people and society permanently

Photo by Anna Shvets
Photo by Anna Shvets

It will take 12 to 18 months to get the vaccine. If they receive the vaccine, they will not actually get sick with coronavirus. The more people get vaccinated, the better. If 60 percent of the total population is vaccinated, the virus will not spread.

Already in the United States, a person has been vaccinated with coronavirus experimentally. Whatever vaccine is discovered, it is first tested on any organism. In this case special approval has been applied to the people first.

Work is on at a rapid pace to detect coronavirus vaccine. But whether it will succeed or whether the vaccine can be vaccinated worldwide – it is not sure.

Developing immunity naturally

The strategy that Britain has taken to combat coronavirus infection is to reduce the number of infected patients so that hospitals do not become infected. If the hospitals are full of patients, there will be no place in the ICU. As a result, the death toll will increase.

Britain’s chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, said it was not possible to set a precise timeframe for when the coronavirus infection would go.

“We are talking about reducing the levels of infection so that fewer people are infected,” said Neil Ferguson, a professor at Imperial College, London.

“If we can do this for more than two years, then a large part of the country will be attacked slowly. As a result, the immune system will develop in the normal way.”

But the question of how long the immune system developed through this strategy will last. In other instances of coronavirus infection, the immune system has not worked very well. Many people have been attacked several times in their lives.

What are the options to prevent Coronavirus?

Photo by Edward Jenner- Coronavirus Pandemic
Photo by Edward Jenner

Professor Woolhouse said, “The third thing is to bring about a permanent change in our behavior so that the level of infection is not high.”

There are some things that are currently being done. For example, if someone is infected with coronavirus, isolate or strengthen the test.

“We initially identified patients with coronavirus and also those they contacted. But it didn’t work,” said Professor Woolhouse.

He said that if Covid-19 medicine was discovered, it would help to implement other strategies.

Applying a medication to the symptoms of coronavirus in humans can prevent it from spreading to others.

Or reduce the risk of the disease by giving treatment in the hospital so that the pressure on the ICU or intensive care center is reduced. If this is possible, countries will be able to handle more patients before everything is stopped or locked down.

In addition, it is possible to provide more patients in the hospital intensive care center or ICU by providing more beds. It is also a way to deal with the situation.

Professor Chris Whitty, the chief medical adviser in Britain, was asked, what was the way out of the current situation?

Coronavirus Pandemic- “Vaccination is a long-term solution,” he said. “We expect it to be as fast as possible.” He hopes science will find a solution.

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About the Author: K.Homer

Blogger and love to read different things online. My word is simple...I think, we are the real alien in this earth with our worse technology.